LinkedIn is a business social network that each of
us can exploit to our advantage. It can assist individuals in developing their
professional career and organizations in obtaining business partners and
customers. How to flourish on this very exciting and promising social network?
You will get your answer
in a workshop, organized by Httpool at the SEMPL conference on the 27th of
November. Brigita Lazar Lunder, Speaker and Consultant, and Tadej Rovtar,
Senior Account Manager, Httpool, are going to tell you how to set
up LinkedIn profile and
communicate with your business partners, and you will find out about the
possibilities of advertising and forms of targeting that can be used to reach
the B2B segment and also how to use LinkedIn to achieve B2C segment with the
premium brands. Whether you decide to jump on the LinkedIn train or not one
thing is certain: your competitors are on board and are going full speed ahead.
The fact is that the world
and the customers have changed and what it used to work does not work anymore.
According to recent surveys, social media networks affect 75% of purchase
decisions in B2B sector. The most effective among them is LinkedIn. However
most of the companies in our region are still not using it.
Will you jump on the
LinkedIn train or just stay on a railway platform? Well, we certainly do not
recommend the last because your competitors are on board and are going full
speed ahead.