The media trends conference SEMPL will focus on the eternal rules of
marketing, integration of strategic thinking and innovation in the media and
communications industry, successful business models of the programmatic media
buying and creativity in the era when the mobile devices rule the world.
Ljubljana, July 16, 2015 – In its 17thedition, the media trends conference SEMPL will take place on the 26thand 27th of November 2015 in Portorož, Slovenia. Through a number of
internationally acclaimed speakers the most pronounced trends that pave the way
to the future of media, creative and media agencies as well as advertisers will
be presented. Which is the next “big thing” in the media and communications
industry and what new media and advertising solutions have already become a
reality, it will be revealed to the participants with the following key topics
of the conference.
eternal rules of marketing
Although the media and communications industry faced
(and survived) profound changes in the last decade, something has not changed –
marketing in its essence remained the same. At least according to Cathey Armillas, American marketing
strategist and author of the book The
Unbreakable Rules of Marketing: 9 ½ Ways to Get People to Love You, who advises
advertisers to stop trying to sell stuff and start getting people to love their
brands. And that, she believes, is essential for marketing to be successful. It
is also the topic that she will discuss at this year’s SEMPL.
What works in advertising in what does not, is the
eternal dilemma of advertisers. But Les
Binet, one of the world's greatest experts on advertising effectiveness who
is also responsible for the effectiveness of the highly successful London
creative agency adam&eveDDB, knows the answer. “If you don’t make people
feel something when they see your ads, you can be sure that your advertising
activities will not increase sales. Do not forget about the power of emotion!”
says Binet who is convinced that a long-term emotional connection of brands with
consumers is the only thing that brings the company greater revenues and
and innovation go hand in hand
“Change is inevitable, progress is not,” says dr. Max Mckeown, British strategy and
innovation expert, writer, consultant and researcher, having in mind the
importance of continuous innovation, which cannot be achieved without great
strategy. “Sometimes people forget that the great innovators are almost always
great strategists. The two things have to be brought together, and they affect
all walks of life, not just the boardroom. It really is that powerful,” argues
Mckeown who will explain at SEMPL how to bring strategic thinking and
innovation to life.
And Srđan Šaper,
founder and CEO of the Serbian advertising agency I&F McCann Group, is
going to discuss how important is strategic thinking in the advertising
agencies that daily create innovative campaigns for their clients to ensure long-term
in the programmatic era
Programmatic advertising and real-time bidding are
becoming the essential part of the digital advertising ecosystem. Has
technology overflown the world of digital advertising in such extent that it
left no room for creativity? Why haven’t online publishers in the Adriatic
region recognized the opportunities in new ways of digital media buying yet? Is
video advertising the next “big thing” in digital advertising industry? Mats Persson, chief operating officer at
Adform, whose seminar will be dedicated to brand advertising in the
programmatic era, and Niall Hogan,
UK managing director at Integral Ad Science, will answer the above questions
and many more.
management in mobile and social environment
Bevans, director of advertiser product marketing at Yahoo, UK,
says that mobile advertising is a global trend that is steadily expanding in the
Adriatic region. Advertisers who would like to reach the always-connected
consumers are often confused, as they do not have a clue what to do with all
the data that derives from mobile technology and how to use it adequately. With
the help of good practice examples, Bevans is going to show at SEMPL what can
be done with properly used data.
Knapp is another data expert. He is a director of
advertising research at a global information company IHS and also heads research
into the media industry’s use of “big data” and new forms of consumer
segmentation and targeting. “Data is the growth engine behind advertising that
serves as a connective tissue between consumers, media and brands,” says Knapp
who will speak about the possible usage of “big data”.
Another interesting speaker who comes to SEMPL is Maximillan Münch, young German
photographer and artist. He enthuses his followers – there are more than 55,000
of them already – on the social network Instagram. He believes that Instagram
is all about building a community, which connects brands with users and vice
versa, and not just about posting of photos and counting likes and followers.
To SEMPL participants he will explain how to communicate on Instagram and
present the tricks to attract followers that any brand should know about.
More information
about the speakers at the 17th SEMPL is available here